Who, what, when, where and why?
Adventism ≠ Boring
I absolutely love my church. I think the Seventh-Day Adventist Church is not perfect but it is very beautiful. Negativity attracts attention so I would like to be a voice that shouts the wonders and beauty of the advent movement.
1. Why a newsletter?
We are used to communicating through social media. And social media is great but sometimes it just isn’t enough. A newsletter is where we can dig a litter deeper into things. Som posts will be long, some extremely short, but either way we will talk about topics that are close to the Adventist heart.
2. Who is this for?
This is for the Adventist who is proud of who they are. If you choose to subscribe then every Friday ( Just in time for Sabbath ) you will be hit with some Adventist positivity, food for thought, testimonies or even something controversial, delivered directly to you.